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About Persian Luxury Nails

Nails and Skin Beauty By Nahal.H provides the Cheshire area with an experienced nail technician that offers top-tier customer service at affordable prices. I value the cleanliness of my salon and your safety, so I take a day off to clean my studio and sanitize everything I have used before customers arrive and after they leave. For everyone's safety, I strictly implement no mask, no service. At Nails and Skin Beauty By Nahal.H, I take clients one by one, so I make sure I give you a look that you are sure to love at a price and experience that simply can't be beaten. Before you leave the door, I always make sure your nails look exactly the way you want them, and if you don't want the design, I fix it as soon as possible because I love seeing my clients happy for what they pay. So give Nails and Skin Beauty By Nahal.H a call and set up an appointment today! I am confident that you won't want to go anywhere else once you try me!

408 Highland Avenue Cheshire, CT 06410

(203) 948-3148

[email protected]

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